Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Careers : Economist

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good night everyone, I want to publish my answer.
This is the task of the two courses English economy.
v  Vocabulary
Resources : Sumber penghasilan
Gains : Laba
Such : Seperti itu
Particular : Keterangan-keterangan
Labor : Tenaga kerja
Entrepreneurs : Usahawan
Factories : Pabrik-pabrik
Fringe : Golongan pinggir
Effort : Usaha
Prefers : Lebih suka
Concerned : Prihatin
Growth : Pertumbuhan
Satisfaction : Kepuasan
Independence : Kebebasan
Benefits : Manfaat
Measured : Telah diperhitungkan
Employed : Memperkerjakan
Teens : Umur belasan tahun
Half : Separuh
Decade : Dasawarsa / masa 10 tahun
Engage : Mengikutsertakan
Regarded : Dihormati
Provide : Mengadakan
Rather : Cukup
Often : sering
Low-wage : Gaji rendah
Wears : Memakai
Opt : Memilih
Forecast : Ramalan
Wits : Kecerdasan
Tax : Pajak
Ladder : Jenjang
Revenues : Pendapatan
Tycoons : Orang kaya

v  Vocabulary Focus
1.      Exercise 1
Study the meaning of the words, then use them to fill in the gaps : monitor, check, and control.
(We check something to see if it is correct)
(The word control refers to power and domination. It is both a noun and a verb)
(If you monitor something you regulary check its progress)

1)   I’ve (check) the documentation and everything is in order.
2)   Inflation has not gone away but it is under (control).
3)   We constantly (monitor) the situation and if anything goes wrong we take action immediately.
4)   We apologize for the delay which is due to reasons beyond our (control).
5)   Economists (control) prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks.

2.      Exercise 2
Choose the words with similar meaning from two columns and arrange them in pairs.

1)   Cost (n)                                   =>                    b) expences, outlay
Paragraph 1, Line 6
2)   Monitor (v)                              =>                    c) control, manage
Paragraph 3, Line 2
3)   Flair (n)                                   =>                    d) skill, talent, inclination
Paragraph 4, Line 5
4)   Entrepreneur (n)                      =>                    e) employer
Paragraph 4, Line 3
5)   Forecast (n)                             =>                    h) prediction
Paragraph 3, Line 1
6)   Provide (v)                              =>                    a) supply, equip, outfit
Paragraph 2, Line 4
7)   Job-setting (n)                         =>                    g) place of work
Paragraph 2, Line 1
8)   Liable (a)                                 =>                    f) responsible
Paragraph 5, Line 4

3.      Exercise 3
Complete the sentence using the words given bellow
Words for refenrence : self-employed, forecasts, benefits or fringe benefits, qualify, flair, entrepereneurial, costs, provide, liable; tycoon, distributions, consumption.
1.   (liable) means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.
2.   An (self-employed) is a person who sets up business and business deals.
3.   A (tycoon) is a person who is successful in a business and so has become rich and powerful.
4.   The industry will have to pass its increased (distribution) on to the consumer.
5.   The management will (comsumption) accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6.   He has always been (benefits or fringe benefits) for his children.
7.   The (costs) of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8.   He won’t (qualify) as an economist until next year.
9.   An individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial (provide) or talent.
10.  Unfortunately (forecast) of higher profits did not come true.
11.  Economist are concerned with the production, (comsumption) and (distribution).
I think only this my skill for answered about this.. So thank you.

Waslamualaikum wr.wb

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