Kamis, 13 April 2017

at Amcor Untan On April 11, 2017

Assalamulaikum wr.wb
On April 11, 2017
Then me and my friend came to Amcor at 9 am, after getting many of my friends to come and flood the room, while waiting for our faculty, we had pictures taken around the room. After lecturer came, we all start classes.
Time lecturer gave us 20 minutes to fill in the answers units 1 and 2 in the sheet photocopies, then we are all looking for the answer together. After 20 minutes and then, lecturers calling our names one by one and ask questions that we answer was.
I get about the number 1 on the unit one, I answered "check" and I was told to spell the word. After all my friend's name in the call. Lecturer advised that we study units 1 and 2 to be made as an exam for the next week. After the lesson is completed, we were all out of the room
Maybe that's all I can tell
About her I apologize

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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